Why Choosing a CPA for Tax Resolution is the Smartest Decision You’ll Make

by | Jul 1, 2024

Picture this: You receive a letter from the IRS. Your heart races, your palms sweat, and a sense of dread settles in your stomach. You need help, and you need it fast. But where do you turn? In your desperation, you might consider one of those big national resolution firms. They promise quick fixes and low fees, but what they don’t tell you could cost you dearly.

Let me tell you why choosing a CPA for your tax resolution needs is the smartest decision you’ll ever make.


The Illusion of National Resolution Firms

National resolution firms are like fast food chains. They’re everywhere, promising a quick, easy, and cheap solution to your problem. But just like fast food, the quality of their service often leaves much to be desired.

Here’s the harsh reality:

  1. One-Size-Fits-All Solutions: These firms use cookie-cutter approaches. They don’t take the time to understand your unique situation, which can lead to subpar results.
  2. Lack of Personal Attention: You’re just another case number to them. Your case gets handed off to whoever is available, often to less experienced staff.
  3. Hidden Fees: The low fees they advertise? They’re just the tip of the iceberg. Once you’re in, the costs start piling up.
  4. Limited Scope: Many national firms focus solely on federal tax issues and lack the expertise to handle complex state tax matters effectively.
  5. Questionable Practices: Some of these firms have been known to make promises they can’t keep, just to get you through the door.


The M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC Advantage

Now, let’s talk about why M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC is the best choice for handling your tax resolution needs. And trust me, the difference is night and day.

  1. Extensive Training and Education: At M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC, we have undergone rigorous education and training. We’ve passed demanding exams, completed continuing education, and adhere to strict ethical standards. This ensures we’re always at the top of our game.
  2. In-Depth Knowledge of Tax Law: We have a deep understanding of both federal and state tax law and IRS procedures. We can navigate the complexities of your case with ease, ensuring the best possible outcome.
  3. Personalized Service: When you work with M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC, you get personalized attention. We take the time to understand your unique situation and develop a tailored strategy just for you.
  4. Holistic Financial Insight: We don’t just handle your immediate tax issue; we consider your entire financial picture. We can offer advice on everything from financial planning to asset protection, ensuring long-term stability.
  5. Ethical Standards: At M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC, we are bound by a strict code of ethics. We’re committed to honesty, integrity, and transparency in all our dealings.


Why a CPA Trumps EAs

Enrolled Agents (EAs) are certainly knowledgeable and capable, but when it comes to tax resolution, a CPA has the edge. Here’s why:

  1. Broader Expertise: We have a broader and more comprehensive understanding of financial matters, not just tax issues. This allows us to provide more holistic solutions.
  2. Higher Standards of Accountability: As CPAs, we are held to higher ethical and professional standards. This ensures a higher level of trust and reliability.
  3. Superior Problem-Solving Skills: Our rigorous training and extensive experience equip us with superior problem-solving skills. We can think critically and strategically to resolve even the most complex tax issues.



When you’re facing the IRS or state tax authorities, the stakes are high. Don’t gamble on your future with a national resolution firm that treats you like just another case number. Choose M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC—a dedicated, highly trained professional team that will give your case the attention it deserves.

Remember, it’s not just about resolving your tax issue; it’s about securing your financial future. And there’s no one better equipped to help you do that than M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC.

Don’t settle for less. Choose excellence. Choose M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC.

Schedule an Appointment Below!

M.A. Rubin CPA, PLLC

Tel: 833-MA-Rubin (627-8246)

Email: Blog@RubinTaxRelief.com

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or tax advice. Consult with a qualified professional for specific advice regarding your business.


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